Thursday, February 19, 2015

Understanding the camera controls, One F-stop at a time

Shot of wide depth of field, Midtown buildings
Shot of Rule of Thirds, WDET
For this week's assignment we were told to go out with our cameras and shoot and post three of our best quality photos to this blog. In this post I will show and describe to you why and how I shot theses. I will also tell you about how I felt and what I took away from this assignment.
The reason  I decided to choose the building photo  is because of the wide depth of field . I shot this with my F-stop at 5.6, my ISO at 100 and I metered at 1/200.
In the second picture I decided to use my dog Winston as my subject. When I was fooling around with the camera, he was laying his head over the shoulder of the couch. When I looked up I thought this picture would be a good example of  a shallow depth of field. I focused on him, leaving his background out of focus. My F-stop was at 5.6, ISO 1600, and I was metering at 1/6.
For my last picture, I chose to use this shot I took at WDET. In the shot we have three different people, making three different types of faces to the caller on the phone.  My F-stop was at 5.6, ISO 800 and metering at 1/8.
Overall this assignment was quite fun. What I took away from this assignment is that having a steady hand is key to taking good pictures and  that it’s okay to mess around with the controls of your camera to see what you come up with.I also learned that panning is lot more difficulty then I though..., and that I want another lens.

Shot of subject in focus and background blurred, Winston

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